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by Rehab Trainer

2024 Chinese Class Date: 


Friday 19/1/2023 1 day Course 

Rehab Method

Rehab Express is an ENERGETIC, PRACTICAL, 1 Day Program that you can complete as a powerful and practical face-to-face workshop

In this course you will learn HOW TO help fix your clients’ low-risk, niggling problems and aches and pains – that, let’s be honest, most clients and even trainers themselves, have!

If you have never experienced how you could help all your clients with niggling aches and pains, you will be surprised at how they will rave to their friends about what you are doing to help them.  Keep clients on their fitness plans with less injury frustration!

You can easily help your injured clients without becoming a Physiotherapist or Medical Professional.    The key is the incredible “R+E+H+A+B” skill-set. It keeps you safe from making mistakes with injured areas, and yet gives you powerful tools to make a difference!

for Personal Trainers &
Health Professionals 


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Be Confident and Knowledgeable in dealing with Injured Clients!

Assess Risk

Loosen areas of the body

Activate inhibited Movements

Prescribe into fitness programs

On Rehab Express, you'll learn:

  • The unique R+E+H+A+B protocol in a single day!!! 

  • Discover enough about HOW injuries are created to prevent many happening – understand the negative powers of “Holding Patterns”, asymmetry and muscle imbalance.

  • Learn 3 quick Screening tests that may indicate an injury is “High Risk” and needs referral to a physiotherapist as a high priority.

  • Understand the 5 Main Muscle Imbalances that afflict the shoulder, knee/hip and low back, setting clients up for injury, or turning them into chronic issues.

  • Receive and be taught techniques with the Posture Pro tool for “Turning Down” dominant areas of fascial tightness, muscular trigger points, and mobility barriers.

  • Use the simple “Rehab Wand” (short dowel) to retrain faulty movements and teach activation drills for inhibited muscles for each of the 5 main muscle imbalances.

  • Blend new movements into functional patterns, lifestyle, and set homework for your clients to keep them improving in their own time.

The Global Standard 

REHAB TRAINER offers quality face-to-face training that leaves students more confident and knowledgeable in dealing with injured clients


Get Your Free Set Of Tools with every sign up for the Rehab Essential Workshop: Posture Pro, Rehab Wand, Activation Tubing. 

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Join us to kickstart your pain management journey on Jan 19, 2024 in Hong Kong

Screen your client's injury,
assess the "Risk Profile"

Learn exactly what to do when a client mentions their acute or chronic pain or injury in their spine, lower or upper body

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"What I loved most about the course was its focus on practicing the skills we learned.

I learned new techniques and exercises that allowed me to reach out to clients with chronic pain and mobility issues."

– Sheryl C

With Rehab EXPRESS You Will Get:


  • Get the basics of the R+E+H+A+B protocol in a single day!

  • FREE Posture Pro, REHAB Wand, and Activation Tubing

  • 70% practical, hands-on learning, working on bodies to experience the techniques in person

  • 6 Fitness Australia CECs (with multiple choice exam at end of day), 0.7 NASM CEUs or 0.7 ACE CECs

  • Receive 6 Fitness Australia CEC’s (with multiple choice exam at end of day), 0.7 NASM CEUs and 0.7 ACE points.

Course Fees

Course Fee
Early Bird - HK$2100/pp
Original - HK$2500/pp

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